
Cover Letter是什麼?到底有沒有人讀Cover Letter?

Cover Letter 顧名思義,就是一封信,跟著你的履歷一起到公司的手中。就像是寫一封email夾帶你的履歷一樣,Cover Letter 的功能就是讓你禮貌的跟你想要面試的公司說聲嗨,並且表明自己的心意。可以想像是你上了交友網站,看到一個心儀的對象,如果說履歷是你的個人檔案(長得多帥、賺多少錢…),那Cover Letter就是那封小小的第一封情書。

Cover Letter到底有人看嗎?這很難說。一個產業普遍有的刻板印象是:Investment Banking的人不看,但是Consulting的人會看。但這當中又因公司而異,所以我的答案是,可以有一個自己標準化的template,但是適度為不同公司差異化。這個世界很小,你永遠都不知道你寄到A公司的Cover Letter會不會被B公司看到….因此花點時間客製化Cover Letter絕對是比較保險的。

Cover Letter到底要怎麼寫?



My name is Fiona Lin and I am a business graduate from National Taiwan University, Department of International Business. I believe that my strong academic background and previous finance internships position me as a strong entry level candidate for a leading asset management firm. To that end, I would like to express my interest in the full-time Research Analyst position at XXX and have enclosed my resume and background information for your review. 


My name is John Smith and I am currently a 3rd year economics major at UCLA. I recently met Fred Jackson from the M&A group at Goldman Stanley during a presentation at our school last week, and was impressed with what I learned of your culture and recent deal flow. I am interested in pursuing an investment banking summer analyst position at your firm, and have enclosed my resume and background information below.
資料來源: http://www.mergersandinquisitions.com

第二段:介紹你的簡單相關經驗,精簡扼要。這一段是寫你覺得你履歷上重要的東西/履歷上表達不夠的點,不是重複履歷上已經講過的話。四-五句話即可,一到兩個經驗就足夠。這裡就可以表達自己在工作上與senior manager有多深入的合作經驗、在實習過程中對公司有什麼正面的貢獻、或是表現出了多麼好的team work技巧等等。


I am currently interning as a full-time Fall Analyst at B. Riley to prepare myself for a career in finance. I have been working closely with the senior bankers on several transactions, performing valuation analyses, constructing presentation materials, compiling datasheets of PE investors as well as assisting in financial modeling.


I have previously completed internships in accounting at PricewaterhouseCoopers and in wealth management at UBS. Through this experience working directly with clients, analyzing financial statements, and making investment recommendations, I have developed leadership and analytical skills and honed my knowledge of accounting and finance. I also had the opportunity to work with a $20M net-worth client at UBS and completely revamped his portfolio, resulting in a 20% return last year.

資料來源: http://www.mergersandinquisitions.com

第三段:表達出為什麼是你是個good fit。可以說是因為你過去的相關經驗訓練出很強大的analytical skills,或是豐富的團隊合作經驗讓你team work skill很好….不要超過五句,精簡即可。很多學生喜歡在這段用很多華麗的詞藻,什麼analytical skills, problem solving, marketing, industry analysis, leadership…全部都用上了,這樣反而看起來太落落長像唬爛。


I believe I am a strong candidate for XXX because of my relevant investment banking experience and my high detail orientation. I am also an ambitious leader, as can be seen in my responsibilities as the President of XXX and the Director of XXX.


Given my background in accounting and wealth management and my leadership and analytical skills, I am a particularly good fit for the investment banking summer analyst position at your firm. I am impressed by your track record of clients and transactions at Goldman Stanley and the significant responsibilities given to analysts, and I look forward to joining and contributing to your firm.

資料來源: http://www.mergersandinquisitions.com



A copy of my resume is enclosed for your reference. I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss my qualifications at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at xxxx-xxx-xxx or via email at fionatalin@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and consideration.


錯….這真的依據產業跟公司有所不同。像顧問業就很注重Cover Letter,有時候甚至比履歷更重要。這樣的話,以下有幾點意見可以幫助你differentiate你的Cover Letter:


如果你參加了麥肯錫的徵才活動,就在第一段簡單說一下自己見到了哪些人,然後你很impressed by the great culture at Mckinsey….這樣不但可以表現出自己很積極,更可以表達出為什麼你想要進這家公司的原因。’


強調自己為什麼很想進這家公司; 是因為文化嗎?是因為公司專長的產業很有趣嗎?是因為公司過去做的deals嗎?是因為公司的team structure嗎?這些資訊都可以上網找到,也可以透過在徵才活動跟業界人士詢問而學到。



舉例: Unlike other candidates you’re seeing that probably have XYZ trait, I have ABC trait because of my experience at XYZ company.”


Mergers & Inquisition 網站有很多關於金融業求職的範本和資訊,對於第一次寫cover letter的同學很有參考價值。有興趣的大家請進去挖寶!

的新書:《 給沒有夢想的人!邊走邊想職涯探險指南》已經在博客來等各大書局上架啦。裡面有詳細的履歷書寫技巧、面試佈局教學,以及如何做決策、我希望早十年學到的職涯小撇步等實用內容。如果你喜歡我的文字,歡迎參考我的新書,裡面有更多武林秘笈和真誠分享噢!(購買連結:博客來誠品金石堂MOMO圓神書活網

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